Welcome Messages
- from Colin Clark, Honourary Chair
- from Jim Watson, Mayor of City of Ottawa
- de Jim Watson, Maire de la ville d’Ottawa (French)
- from Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
- de Kathleen Wynne, première ministre de l’Ontario (French)
- from the Branislav Djokic and Raed Abdullah, General Co-Chairs
- from Witold Kinsner, IEEE Canada President
Welcome Message from Colin Clark, Honourary Chair
- Colin Clark,
Brookfield Renewable, Canada
It is my pleasure to welcome participants and guests to the IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC) 2016, which will be held October 12th to 14th at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa. As the national capital of Canada, Ottawa is the hub of federal government and a city rich in history, culture and attractions for visitors and residents alike. It is also the original home of EPEC, which originated from the IEEE Ottawa Electrical Power Symposia 2001-2006.
The theme of EPEC 2016 is “Smart Grid and Beyond: Future of the Integrated Power System”. Electric power systems underpin the vast and rapidly-evolving technological fabric of our modern civilization. These systems must be progressively more resilient, responsive, and consistent with the many expectations of society. They must also be integrated and interactive at every level – amongst source, grid, and customer – to a degree that was inconceivable only a few years ago. At the same time, power systems must remain robust, reliable, efficient, and cost-effective. These extraordinary opportunities and challenges are central to the theme and content of EPEC 2016.
EPEC 2016 is an exceptional opportunity for professionals from the electric power and energy industry to gather, learn, share ideas about the technology, and advance this vital sector. We look forward to having delegates join us and contribute to this important conference!
Colin Clark, IEEE S’75, M’78, SM’91
Chief Technical Officer of Brookfield Renewable
Welcome Message from Jim Watson, Mayor of City of Ottawa
- Jim Watson,
Mayor of City of Ottawa
On behalf of Members of Ottawa City Council, it is my distinct pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all those participating in the 2016 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, taking place at the Shaw Centre, in the heart of our nation’s capital, from October 12th to 14th.
I am delighted to offer my moral support to IEEE Canada and IEEE Ottawa Section for providing a valuable forum for private and public sector stakeholders representing the energy industry, in addition to academics and researchers in the field to convene under the theme Smart Grid and Beyond: Future of the Integrated Power System. This year, delegates will have the opportunity to explore the topics of Energy Storage, Cyber-Security and Big Data, Energy Efficiency, Demand Response, and Energy Markets, Grid Stability, as well as Renewables Integration and Optimization.
As Head of Council, I want to acknowledge the Organizing and Technical Program Committees, IEEE Ottawa Section, IEEE Canada, the keynote speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors for dedicating efforts, expertise and resources to the successful coordination of this innovative and educational meeting.
As Mayor of the host city, I invite visitors to explore the revitalized Lansdowne park, its heritage pavilions, and new TD Place, home of the Ottawa REDBLACKS CFL team, and Ottawa Fury FC North American Soccer League team.
Canada celebrates its 150th birthday in 2017 and the grandest festivities will be unfolding in Ottawa. I hope that you will return to join us in our nation’s capital for the sesquicentennial anniversary.
Allow me to convey my best wishes to the organizers and participants for a very rewarding gathering, as well as to the visitors for a most enjoyable stay in Ottawa.
Jim Watson,
Mayor of City of Ottawa
Message de bienvenue de Jim Watson, Maire de la ville d’Ottawa
- Jim Watson,
Maire de la ville d’Ottawa
Au nom des membres du Conseil municipal d’Ottawa, je souhaite la plus cordiale bienvenue à tous les participants à la Conférence 2016 sur l’énergie électrique de l’IEEE, qui se déroule au Centre Shaw, au cœur de notre capitale nationale, du 12 au 14 octobre.
Je suis ravi d’apporter mon soutien moral à l’IEEE Canada et à la section d’Ottawa de l’IEEE, qui offrent aux intervenants des secteurs privé et public représentant l’industrie de l’énergie ainsi qu’aux universitaires et aux chercheurs dans le domaine une précieuse tribune leur permettant de se réunir sur le thème Smart Grid and Beyond: Future of the Integrated Power System (Réseau électrique intelligent : L’avenir du mode de production intégré). Cette année, les délégués auront l’occasion d’explorer plusieurs sujets : stockage d’énergie, cybersécurité et mégadonnées, efficacité énergétique, gestion de la demande, marchés de l’énergie, stabilité du réseau et intégration ainsi qu’optimisation des énergies renouvelables.
En tant que chef du Conseil, je tiens à remercier le comité organisateur et le comité responsable du programme technique, la section d’Ottawa de l’IEEE, l’IEEE Canada, les conférenciers d’honneur, les exposants et les commanditaires pour avoir consacré leurs efforts, leur savoir-faire et leurs ressources à la coordination de cette réunion éducative et novatrice afin d’en assurer la réussite.
À titre de maire de la ville hôte, j’invite les visiteurs à explorer le parc Lansdowne, qui a récemment fait peau neuve, ses édifices patrimoniaux, de même que la nouvelle Place TD, domicile du ROUGE et NOIR d’Ottawa, équipe de la Ligue canadienne de football, et du Fury FC d’Ottawa, équipe de la Ligue nord-américaine de soccer.
Le Canada fêtera son 150e anniversaire en 2017 et les festivités les plus impressionnantes se dérouleront à Ottawa. J’espère que vous serez de retour dans notre capitale nationale pour participer aux célébrations.
Je souhaite aux organisateurs et aux participants une rencontre très enrichissante et aux visiteurs un séjour des plus agréables à Ottawa.
Meilleures salutations.
Jim Watson,
Maire de la ville d’Ottawa
Welcome Message from Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
- Kathleen Wynne,
Premier of Ontario
On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am pleased to extend warm greetings to everyone attending the 2016 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference — Smart Grid and Beyond: The Future of the Integrated Power System.
Our government recognizes that supporting the ongoing development of a modern, intelligent electricity system is essential to giving Ontarians access to clean, reliable and affordable energy. We value the opportunity to work with our province’s electric power and energy-sector stakeholders, like the members of the IEEE, as we further strengthen Ontario’s electricity system by developing the next generation of energy grid solutions.
I applaud the IEEE for organizing this conference — and for giving the institute’s members and special guests the opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue and put forward ideas on working collaboratively to advance energy innovation in Ontario.
To those visiting Ottawa — welcome! Our nation’s capital is a city rich in history, culture and natural beauty, and is ready to offer you the very best of its hospitality.
Please accept my best wishes for a successful and inspiring conference.
Kathleen Wynne,
Premier of Ontario
Message de bienvenue de Kathleen Wynne, première ministre de l’Ontario
- Kathleen Wynne,
première ministre de l’Ontario
Au nom du gouvernement de l’Ontario, je suis ravie de transmettre mes plus chaleureuses salutations aux participants et aux participantes de l’édition 2016 de la IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference — Smart Grid and Beyond: The Future of the Integrated Power System.
Notre gouvernement reconnaît que pour fournir une énergie propre, fiable et abordable aux Ontariens et aux Ontariennes, il est essentiel d’appuyer le développement constant d’un réseau d’électricité moderne et intelligent. Nous sommes heureux de travailler avec les acteurs clés du secteur de l’énergie de la province, tels que les membres de l’IEEE, au moment où nous renforçons davantage le réseau ontarien d’électricité en concevant la prochaine génération de solutions pour le réseau d’électricité.
Je félicite l’IEEE d’avoir organisé cette conférence. Il donne ainsi l’occasion à ses membres et à ses invités d’honneur d’engager un dialogue constructif et de mettre leurs idées à contribution pour faire avancer l’innovation énergétique en Ontario.
Bienvenue à ceux et celles qui visitent Ottawa! Notre capitale nationale est une ville riche en histoire, en culture et en beautés naturelles. Ses citoyens et citoyennes vous réservent un bel accueil.
Je vous souhaite une conférence inspirante et remplie de succès.
La première ministre de l’Ontario,
Kathleen Wynne
Welcome Message from the Branislav Djokic and Raed Abdullah, General Co-Chairs
- Branislav Djokic,
National Research Council Canada, Canada - Raed Abdullah,
Hydro-Ottawa, Canada
On behalf of the Conference Organizing Committees, IEEE Canada, IEEE Ottawa Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society, and IEEE Power Electronics Society, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the 16th Annual IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC) 2016 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada’s National Capital. This conference originated from a series of Electrical Power Symposia held annually from 2001 to 2006 in Ottawa, and we are pleased to host it here.
This year’s theme is “Smart Grid and Beyond: Future of the Integrated Power System.” It was chosen to bring attention to new concepts and technologies that are being developed, deployed, and integrated in the evolving power system. Smart Grid is a confluence of many hi-tech and traditional power engineering disciplines that are advancing individually and are merging together. This will remain a fundamental aspect of grid modernization, and thus of the integrated power system of the future.
EPEC is an international forum for the presentation of peer-reviewed papers, presentations, and other learning opportunities related to power and energy research, development, and applications. It presents an opportunity for experts from academia, industry, government and other interested organizations from Canada and abroad to present and discuss the latest developments, trends, and issues, including those on the potential societal impact.
EPEC 2016 will showcase keynote presentations, peer-reviewed technical paper presentations, industry presentations, industry panels, tutorials and exhibits. The conference offers a two-day industry course, three tutorials and three tours. The tours include visits to: the University of Ottawa SUNLAB, a photovoltaic power research lab within the new Advanced Research Centre; the National Research Council (NRC) High-Voltage and High-Current lab; and the Algonquin College co-generation installation in Ottawa. In addition, the conferences hosts a Women in Engineering (WIE) panel, an International Humanitarian Technology co-located event, and an IEEE Young Professionals and student-focused panel on career planning and strategy.
Before and after the conference, take advantage of many attractions in and around Ottawa. The fall is beautiful and there is always something interesting to do in the National Capital region – remember to take advantage of Ottawa Tourism’s “Flash Your Badge” delegate savings program!
Please join me in thanking our sponsors, patrons (Brookfield, ABB, Carleton University, and University of Ottawa), and exhibitors, whose support has been critical for organizing the conference. Let us also thank our many volunteers, who dedicated their time and effort over the past two years to make EPEC 2016 a great experience for all.
Welcome to EPEC 2016!
Branislav Djokic, Ph.D., P.Eng., FIEEE, FEIC
National Research Council of Canada
Raed Abdullah, P.Eng., SM IEEE
Hydro Ottawa Limited
General Conference Co-Chairs
Welcome Message from Witold Kinsner, IEEE Canada President
- Witold Kinsner,
University of Manitoba, Canada
On behalf of IEEE Canada, it is indeed a great pleasure to welcome you to the 16th annual IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC16) in Ottawa, the home to an impressive array of excellent organizations, industries, government, and educational institutions. From its humble beginning in 2001, EPEC has maintained its relevance and continues to grow. This conference has become a leading forum for the exchange of research ideas and results, a catalyst for new collaborative projects, and a meeting place for researchers and practitioners from different disciplines. The conference brings together electric power and energy systems researchers, designers, engineers, implementers, educators, and students from different universities, institutes, industry, and government.
Please consider attending our other Canadian technical gatherings, including the annual flagship Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE17) in Windsor, ON, April 30 to May 3, 2017, and the third International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IHTC17) in Toronto, July 20-22, 2017. Each year, the location of our conferences alternates between eastern, central and western Canada, giving the opportunity to our regular authors to see different corners of this beautiful and diverse country.
I would like to express my congratulations, appreciation and gratitude to all the participants, authors, patrons and exhibitors for their contributions to this conference. I express the same to each dedicated member of the Organising Committee, together with all the student volunteers who have gone to great lengths to plan and implement this memorable event, and to ensure the presentations and content meet a high technical standard. Thank you for a job well done.
With warmest personal regards,
Witold Kinsner, PhD, PEng, FEIC, FEC, FCAE
IEEE Canada President, 2016-2017
IEEE Region 7 Director, 2016-2017